Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Game Idea

The kids are getting excited for Valentine's Day tomorrow! I wasn't going to have much of a party, but it's turning into one. I asked my fiance, Jon, to get a small treat (I said cookies maybe) for the morning snack while he was at the store tonight, and he came home with a ginormous package of cupcakes from the grocery store bakery! Yeahhh, probably will not be using those puppies for morning snack...more like 2 seconds before the dismissal bell rings! They will be wired enough tomorrow I think!

Anyway, here are some pics of a game board I made for a parent volunteer to lead tomorrow during our centers time. The kiddos will draw a heart card (like Candyland) to move around the game board. The hearts on the cards match the hearts on the spaces on the game board. They will have to read the sight word on the back of the card before they are allowed to move their game piece. Hope they like it! I don't have any type of printables for it, since I made the cards and game board (almost) by hand with some clip art help from KPM Doodles.

My game--"Valentine Valley"
Heart cards with sight words on the back.

Hope you survive Valentine's day with your class!


  1. Hope you survive, too! Happy Valentine's Day!!
    First Grade Blue Skies

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friend!

  3. Wow that game must have taken you a long time! It looks great, I bet the kids loved it!
