Sunday, February 12, 2012

Things I Love Freebie

It's going to be a busy week in my classroom! Half day sub tomorrow for a professional development session, Valentine's Day is Tuesday and our 100th day of school is Wednesday! On top of that, my marathon training officially starts this week. I am doing Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN this June. This is my first marathon, I've never even run a half before. Only a few 10K's and 5k's....yep, I think that I'm crazy, too. My friend talked me into it, and I think it'll be a good way to get in shape for my wedding, which coming up in July. Have any of YOU ran a marathon (or half) before??? Please give me some advice- how did you manage your life and training and teaching??

I tried to get everything as prepped as possible this weekend. I whipped up this "Things I Love" page to do as a guided writing on Valentine's day. I will have a parent volunteer in playing a heart-shaped sight words game, and the kiddos will exchange valentines. They have already made a parent gift and decorated their Valentine's bags so that is going to be the extent of our V-Day party! I never get too wrapped up in that day for Kindergartners-just a few things to make it sorta-special:).

Anyway, here is the "Things I Love" sheet if you want to try it with your kids. Not my best work, as I was rushing to get 9 million things done tonight for school along with some wedding planning.
The cute clip art is by KPM Doodles. Love her Etsy shop. Stop by if you get a chance!

Teaching, wedding, training for a marathon, blogging....hmmm something tells me I'm in for a busy springtime! Hope you all have a great start to your week!


  1. I want to do a half marathon so badly. But I'm just getting back into running after not running for a while. I'm getting married in June and need to get in shape. So I've got a few 5ks planned for the spring. Good luck in the marathon. That's awesome! I hope to hear more about it on your blog.

  2. Thanks for the freebie and good luck with the marathon!


  3. I just found your blog through Under the Alphabet Tree! I would LOVE to feature you on my Someone New Sunday feature next week!

    Email me if you're interested.

    You can click my link to see this past Sundays.
    Kinder Kraziness
