Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our 100th Day...finally

Today was finally our 100th day of Kindergarten! It was technically on Monday, but I had a sub for the morning, and wanted to invite parent volunteers in to help celebrate so I "forgot" to do the calendar for a couple of days and it magically moved to today! I will post more pictures tomorrow, I forgot to take pictures of some of the projects.

The students started off the day by decorating a 100th day sheet for their portfolios. I helped them put on their crowns that they had decorated as a take-home project...I have a photo in a previous post.

During our morning meeting, we brainstormed a list of the great things we have done and learned throughout our first 100 days of kindergarten. I forgot to take a picture, but here are some of the students' thoughts:

*went on a field trip to the apple orchard.
*learned how to READ!
*learned about pumpkins and apples.
*painted snowmen with marshmallows.
*made Chinese lunar calendar wheels.
*made gingerbread houses.
*made applesauce.
*used centimeter cubes to make numbers in math.
*wrote numbers in shaving cream.
*made/recycled paper.
*did sink and float experiments with wood and paperclips.
*made penguin projects.
*learned how to make paper snowflakes.

It's always fascinating to hear what things stand out to the students the most.

For our morning snack, I did the 100th day trail mix, like many of you did. Because of our schedule, we have to eat snack fairly quickly, so I didn't do a sorting mat like I've seen on many blogs. Instead I just had the kiddos count out 10 of each snack item and put it right into a baggie. We still went over the concept of counting by 10's to 100 or adding or multiplying, so I think it was still a worthwhile activity.

I was lucky enough to have 2 parent volunteers plus my wonderful fiance in during centers to help with several projects. We did the 100 year old people, a writing prompt, "What you would do with $100" and another writing page where the students listed several things that they would like to have 100 of, and something that they would never want 100 of. We got lots of work done in only 1 hour. It was awesome!

We wrapped up the morning by reading a 100th day story and putting a 100 themed poem into their poetry notebook.

After lunch, students played a "race to 100" dice rolling game with partner. Then, they finished up their 100 year old self-portrait projects by writing about what they would do/act like when they were 100 years old.
The "Race to 100" game--who will reach 100 first?? Students took turns rolling the die and coloring the corresponding amount of circles.

Whewww! It was another busy day. Hopefully next year, the 100th day and Valentine's day don't fall on consecutive days. I was supposed to run 3 miles today for marathon training but I took a nap instead! There's always tomorrow I guess.


  1. It looks great! Thanks for sending me to Laura, by the way! You are fabulous!!

  2. I'm your newest these ideas :)

  3. Hi Kelly
    I just stumbled across your blog from another one. Looks like you have a lot of fun here. I am your newest follower. The 100th day is so fun - thank goodness for Parent helpers. :o)
    Come visit me ~ vicky
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. Thanks for visiting and following me! I am now following you!!! :) You have an adorable blog with some creative ideas! :)
    Crayons and Curls
