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Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Lesson Plans for the Week

I'm linking up again with Deedee Wills' Peek at my Week Linky to show you my lesson plans for this coming week!
This week, my students will finally get their own book bins! Up to this point, each table has had a book bin to choose from for read-to-self time, like the Reader's Workshop framework suggests doing.

I was going to order book bins from Steps to Literacy or Really Good Stuff, but then I procrastinated and ending up rushing around today to find something. Luckily, I was able to find these ice cube bins from Walmart for only $1.88 each. Score! The link for these bins is also in my visual plans file.

We will start talking about finding good fit books and how to use our classroom library. This seems late in the month to do this, but I decided to take baby steps this year after attending the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Training from Columbia University this summer.

We are also finishing up our apple unit and are excited to have an artist parent come in and lead a fall tree project with the class! Perfect time because conferences are coming up very soon and I need something cool to hang up in the classroom. I am also getting a pre-student teacher (junior year, first field experience) from a local college. Yay for more help!

Anywho, here are my plans for the week. Click any picture to download the file as a PDF from my Google Drive. When you do this, all of the hyperlinks and pictures will become clickable.

I am working on an emergent reader for fire safety week. Look for it soon. Have a great week!


  1. Ice bin trays...brilliant! They would be great white...but you can also easily spray paint them what ever color you like! Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks

    1. Good idea! I was thinking white would get dirty so fast!

  2. You're so organized! I keep meaning to join this linky, but then I realize that I'm too lazy. . .
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

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