Friday, July 26, 2013

Student Work Display Idea

Hi Everyone,
It's a rainy day today and I am over at my parents dogsitting. My mom has a huge craft room, so I thought it would be a perfect day to get going on some D.I.Y. classroom projects that I've been procrastinating on. So far, I've finished one super easy project and wanted to share it with you. It's seriously the easiest little project ever...

Modge Podged clothespins for student displays. {I bet a lot of you have done this for your room, too!}.
Here's what you'll need:

Clothespins-these are from Dollar Tree

Modge Podge- I used this generic equivalent which I think is from JoAnn's.
 You will also need: your choice of scrapbooking paper (I chose green and blue to go with my classroom color scheme), something to cut with (paper cutter is best), and a paintbrush (I used a regular old paintbrush, but foam brushes probably work best).

First, cut strips of the scrapbooking paper to size. My clothespins meausured 1/3" wide by 3 1/2" long.
Then, paint a thin layer of Modge Podge onto your first clothespin. I poured my M.P. into a cup for easier application.
Next, place one strip of paper onto the clothespin. Make sure it's positioned evenly.
And then, just brush on one more coat of Modge Podge over the top of the paper. The Modge Podge that I used for this project leaves a shiny finish, but there are others that will leave an antique or even a crackled finish.

And that. is. it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!  I made 30 of these puppies in about 15 minutes. That's my kind of craft!

Here's how I want to set up my clothespin work display as soon as I can get into my classroom. I'm going to have laminated scrapbook paper as the background of each piece of student work.
I am going to hot glue the clothespins to the wall (shhhh- don't tell my custodians) for a permanent bulletin board.  I have very, very limited wall space in my classroom because I work in an open setting, so this will be the main way I display student work. Because of my lack of space, I needed something that would make it easy to change out work often.

Hope that sparks an idea for you! I know it's an overly simple one, but I always like to remember simple ideas since there's a better chance that I will actually DO them instead of just pin them:).

Also don't forget to enter our Best From the Midwest Giveaway...lots and lots of fun packs to win! Click here to see all of the TPT products up for grabs.
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  1. Great idea! I saw my new classroom yesterday and I also have very little wall space (2 walls, inside and outside, of floor to ceiling windows). I can't wait to see your finished display wall :-)
    Chrissy ReadWriteSing

  2. I'm thinking this would be a good way to recover pins that have names written on them - thanks! Oh, and I'm your newest follower - hi!
    Mrs. Cobb's Kindersprouts
