Thursday, July 25, 2013

Best of the Midwest Freebie Hop and Giveaway

Hi, Everyone!
I shared last week that I had gone to a MN (and Wisconsin, too!) blogger meetup at Brit's Pub in Minneapolis. We had a such a blast that we decided to celebrate by throwing a freebie hop through all of our blogs and also a Rafflecopter giveaway!

Here's the pic of all of us together again:
Irene, Kimberly Ann, LuAnn, Amber, Kelly(me), Sara C, Sara E

Here is my freebie for the hop! It's great for Pre-K, K, or possibly even first grade back-to-school. It's the game BOOM! designed to go with the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Click HERE to get it (it's a Google Doc)  Hope you enjoy!

The next stop on the hop is Sara from Polka Dot Kinders, our gracious meet-up host! She organized all of this blog hop and giveaway madness, so be sure to thank her when you stop by! Click HERE to go to her blog and get the next freebie!

Now for our big giveaway!  There are so many awesome packs to win!! Take a peek at everything:

And here she is....may the Rafflecopter gods and goddesses be with you! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much, this looks like a super fun game!!!

    1. My kiddos do love to play it! Thanks for your comment:)

  2. Kelly, this is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing- I love your stuff!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  3. Thank you for sharing this very cute game!

    Teaching Is Sweet

  4. Lovely game! So colorful and inviting! Pinned. Nice hop!

  5. Thank you so much for the Boom game, Kelly. Looking forward to playing it with my preschoolers next spring :) ~Denise

  6. This game looks amazing!! Thank you!! :)

