Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Froggy!?!

Well, I'll start with the bad news...
It's a beautiful weekend and I am stuck inside.  Why, you ask?  Being the major klutz that I am, I slipped on a puddle of water and fell by the kindergarten bathrooms at my school on Thursday and I dislocated my kneecap!  I had to go to the hospital by ambulance because it wouldn't pop back in like usual (this has happened to me before). How embarrasing!!!  Now my leg is in a giant brace and I will have to wait 5-7 days to see if I tore any ligaments.  It was a major bummer to me because I am supposed to be running a marathon next weekend that I have been training for since February.  So, I guess that dream will wait about a year!  But, I will still go to cheer on my sister and two other bridesmaids that are still able to race:)

The good news...
Friday was the last day of school, which meant only one day of hobbling around on crutches!  Hello, sweet summer!  Hopefully I will be able to venture outside and enjoy soon, whenever I can walk again:)

And the froggy news...:)
While I have been stuck in a recliner elevating and icing my knee that is the size of a melon, I have created a ribbit-licious Frog Themed Classroom Pack for all of you amphibian lovers out there!  The frog theme matches with our school mascot so I will be using this personally in my classroom next year.  This is the biggest unit for Teachers Pay Teachers that I've made so far so I hope you'll HOP over and check it out (hardy har har).  Click the pic collage to get to my store. It's $2.00 off for the rest of the weekend so hurry to go get it:)


  1. Feel better soon! Your pack looks great!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. So sorry about the marathon! I hope you didn't tear any ligaments! Love the frog pack!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  3. That stinks about your knee! I hope you heal quickly. :)

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

  4. Happy Summer! I'm sorry that it's not off to the greatest start. :( Rest up & get better soon. Your froggy pack is super cute! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure
