Monday, May 28, 2012

End of the Year Writing!

One of my favorite parts of teaching kindergarten is being able to reflect about all of the field trips, fun times and special days we had throughout the year with the students!  We have been doing just that in my classroom for the past few days, and I plan to continue next week.  I find that having some simple reflection writing prompt sheets comes in very handy throughout the last weeks of school, when the days are always filled with special events and assemblies.  I find that it's pretty easy to fill in a spare 15-30 minutes with some of the end-of-the year writing sheets I've created over the years.  Sooo, I've prettied them up and compiled them into my latest TpT product, Reflecting on Kindergarten: End of the Year Writing Prompts!  I hope you still have time to use them! (9 days are still left for me).  Just click the picture below to be taken to my TpT store to have a closer look at the prompts included!

Oh, and I have extended my 20% off store through Tuesday just so you have time to take advantage of all of the great deals! 

Hope you are enjoying  Memorial Day.  I am off to run 17 miles...the marathon is drawing closer!!! Wish me luck:)

1 comment:

  1. I saw the name Kelly and just had to come for a little visit. Us Kelly/Kelley girls have to stick together. I am your newest follower and am really excited that I found you. I love your summer packet . . . great idea! I would so love to get kids from you next year :) I am hosting my very first linky and contest giveaway. I would love for you to hook up with my page if you are interested. Drop in for a visit if you find a moment :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory
