Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Currently

Just a quick post since I am needing to do some major planning and prep work before bed time. Not sure where the weekend went, but at least I managed to get some wedding stuff done-suits are rented (we are going with tan suits instead of tuxes since we are getting married outdoors at a resort in Northern Minnesota) and we registered for gifts at 2 of our 3 places. Now that was FUN!!! I want my own, personal scanning gun!

I also went to one of my dear little student's hockey games and it was sooo cute! Yes, here in Minnesota 6 -year- old girls play hockey and man they can skate!!! I wish all of my students played hockey because it definitely teaches the kiddos to pick themselves up after falling- no crying allowed! My dear fiance went with even though I teach for the district that was his school district's major rival:) It was funny for him to be at the "enemy's" arena.

Anyway, back to teaching blog stuff.... I just started following Farley and her awesome 4th grade blog! I love her monthly "Currently" linky parties so here's mine. Go to her blog to do this and link up, too!

Quick QUESTION for all of you lovely ladies (it's unrelated to teaching): What is one thing that you wished you had registered for but didn't???


  1. more towels
    thanks for linking up... I LOVE hockey... I know strange... I live in TX and love hockey!!!

  2. Wedding planning! Congratulations! I wish we had registered for more tools! We had no idea that Home Depot/Lowes allowed wedding registries! Love your "Currently"!

  3. Tan suits sounds like it will look so good!! I like alternatives to black. :)

    I've never made a registry but I know I've always wanted a garlic press!!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. A couple of things:
    1. I nominated you for an award. Check it out. and TBA for the information
    2. We registered last weekend so I'm loving that you asked that question. I'll definitely be stalking your comments. We're planning on going and registering at Lowe's. It's so overwhelming all the things to chose from. Did you have any items that you couldn't both agree on?

  5. Oh my gosh. It took us forever to decide on a comforter set too. Everything he picked looked like a boy. I have lived on my own for about 9 years now and have a ton of stuff already so it was hard finding things we needed.

  6. Hi Kel! I wished I would have registered for a carpet shampooer. :)


  7. We could use more serving spoons, tongs, and platters. Not for the everyday living, but for the occasions when you have dinner parties or girly parties and you realize that you REALLY need another serving spoon!

  8. I found your blog from the linky :) I'm your newest follower!

    I registered for everything (even a fire extinguisher!). Like Farley said, you can always use towels! I registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and took tons of things back after the wedding and got things we needed, but didn't get. We somehow ended up with 3 coffee pots! Enjoy this time :)

    Living A Wonderful Life

  9. Thank you for visiting and joining the giveaway!!! I really need to figure out where to get the number randomizer thing now...I am up for suggestions or hints..hehehe

    I swiped you button and will place it in my blog roll...You'll be rollin' on The 3AM Teacher blog (-;


    The 3AM Teacher

  10. Register for something never know. Big and useful like a Dyson vacuum. Or a roasting pan. Those suckers are pricey, but you've got to have one to cook a turkey!
    Rowdy in First Grade

  11. I love all this wedding registry advice! Keep it coming:) I even went back to Target last night to register for some more stuff!

    Haha and I definitely had to spend 5 minutes explaining the reasons why we need a roasting pan to my fiance!

  12. Can you register for an iPad or a laptop?
    Wedding much fun! Not that I remember it well, it was soooo long ago!
    Get out there and RUN! What marathon?
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties
