Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blog Award, WINNER, and Seuss Day

Lots of things to blog about today!

First off, thanks so much to Laura from KinderKraziness and Kaleigh from Kaleigh's Classroom for giving me the One Lovely Blogger Award. I hope you are following both of these ladies' blogs. They are full of great resources. Laura does a great job of showcasing new bloggers!

The rules:
1. Link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Pass the award onto 15 other lovely bloggers.
3. Follow the person who sent it to you :)

Here are my 15 Lovely Bloggers: Please stop by their wonderful blogs!
1. The Eager Teacher
2.Mrs. Greene's Kindergarten Korner
3.Pocket Full of Kinders
4.ABC and 123
5.Of Primary Importance
6.Peace, Love and Kindergarten
7.Miss Kindergarten
8. Heather's Heart
9. First Grade Blue Skies
10.Kindergarten Lifestyle
11.Under the Alphabet Tree
12.Conversations in Literacy
13. Ms. Kerri and Her Krazy Kindergarten
14. A Cupcake for the Teacher
15. Can Do Kinders

Next, I need to announce my St. Patty's Unit Giveaway Winner.......It goes to (drumroll, please) Miss S. from Just Teaching...Kindergarten! Congrats!
I have emailed you the unit..hope you find it useful!
And now for some Seuss inspired projects that my class completed yesterday. I did not get to take as many pics as I would have liked, but here are a few...

Samples of our "How to Make Green Eggs and Ham" writing project:
Of course we made Cat in the Hat hats! Also made some dashing red bow ties to look even more like the famous cat! This year we made a much more low-key version of the hats compared to what I've done in the past.
Above: This year's version
Below: Last year's version.

Below: Can you see this kiddo's cute bow tie? Just traced and cut out of construction paper!
We made birthday cakes inspired by the one I found on Pinterest from A Cupcake for the Teacher. I didn't get a pic of the students' final product but if you click on the link above, there are great pictures and directions.
I had to make the super-cute One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish snack using blue Jello and Swedish Fish (okay, I admit I used the generic gummy fish called JuJu Fish haha). My students all had red fish in their cups, this is just an extra I still had in my fridge! The student version also had more Jello in it. This one is about 2-3 days old now so looking a little funky monkey!
The pin I had from pinterest did not have a link (it was just to so I hope I am not stealing anyone's original idea. If you were the first to think of the jello/fish, please tell me and I'll credit you:)

Best of all, I did not have to lug in all the stuff to make green eggs and ham this year! The school lunch ladies made green eggs and ham for lunch! Bless their hearts!

Tonight I am going to try to create a couple of freebies and/or a new TpT unit so be on the lookout early next week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!


  1. thanks for the award. I appreciate it. It looks like you had fun this week with Dr. Seuss.

  2. Thank you for the award! It made me smile:) Can't wait to pass it on to 15 other lovely ladies and their lovely blogs!

    Mrs. Krull
    Of Primary Importance

  3. Thanks for sharing the fun award! It is really fun for us to find another great Kinder blog to follow too:)
    Happy March!

  4. Aww, thank you! You are too sweet!! You made my day!! Hugs,

    First Grade Blue SKies

  5. Fun Dr. Seuss activities! Thank you so much for the award!!
    Conversations in Literacy
