Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tomorrow is Friday!

Hey All,

Happy almost-Friday! Even though I had a report card day Monday and a conference on Tuesday, this week has been super tiring. Anyway, Thursday is often the day I get everything assembled and organized for the following week. Next week, our theme will be penguins. The kiddos are super excited.

Here is one of the fun penguin projects I am planning.
I made tracers for the black and white tummy and for the head. I give the students small rectangles of orange, black and white construction paper for the rest of the penguin's body part and have them cut out their own. At this point in the year, most are good with that and only a few still need assistance. After creating our penguins, I have the students write about their penguins by completing the sentence "My penguin is...". This goes along well with a lesson on adjectives. You could brainstorm a list of words that describe penguins and have each student pick 1-3 words to finish the sentence.

I also may give these word family cards to my on/below level students, but I'm still not sure. I like word family practice, but not sure if I like how random the penguin is. I think it would be good practice to play memory match to build working memory with a few of my struggling students. Anyway, if you would like the resource, they are available at the Virtual Vine.

For those of you who are still doing your winter/mitten theme, here is a cute idea that I found on Pinterest....symmetrical mittens! I just had the kiddos paint multicolored horizontal designs on one mitten, turn it over and stamp it on the other mittens. With a little touch up, most turned out super cute!
This friend is a loyal Minnesota Vikings fan, despite our dismal season.

Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

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