Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello There!

Hi Fellow Teachers!

Thanks for stopping by my brand new blog! I have to be honest and admit that I'm pretty impressed with myself for getting this far...I had always wondered how to make a blog look "cute"!

I am excited to start this blogging journey, and hope to fill my little space on the web with ideas, photos, freebies, questions, etc. relating to the wonderful world of Kindergarten!!

Here is my first QUESTION for all of you: How do you handle reading groups...Daily 5, Centers or Reader's Workshop??? Or a combo? Comment back!

I personally do a little combination of centers and Daily 5. My students have "read to self" and "write to self" but also do reading centers, since I like to meet with set groups every day.

Speaking of centers, here is a fun form I created for a Big Book Word Hunt activity. Hope your kiddos enjoy it as much as mine have. It would work perfectly with an alphabet book, however my students used it this past week with The Mitten by Jan Brett.

Have a great Thursday :)


  1. Nice work Ms. Kelly! Hope you have more free work I can print! Your blog looks great. Must have taken you a week...

  2. Thanks for posting about my giveaway! Super cute blog! I'm your newest follower!

    Miss Kindergarten
    My Fabulous Finds

  3. I love your blog! I am your newest follower! Good luck!


  4. And I am a total Daily 5 gal! I have a website with lots of stuff and teach PDs for my district and the university I graduated from about it. I started my little blog recently and hope to post more about my Daily 5 practices. Check back soon!

