Monday, August 12, 2013

Let's Talk About Me...

Today I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' for their Teacher Week 2013 linky party.  Monday's topic is "Let's Talk About Me!" Click the round button below to hop over and link up yourself!

Here it goes...

1. Last summer I got married to my husband, Jon, at a resort "up north" {anything north of the northern Twin Cities suburbs is considered "up north" or lake country in Minnesota} at a cute resort on a lake! It was so special to me because my family had a cabin on that lake that we visited every summer growing up.  We stayed at the resort for a long weekend and were fortunate to have lots of time to visit with all of our out-of-town guests.


My extended fam from Chicago hanging out the day before the wedding!

Instead of a limo ride between the ceremony and reception, we took a pontoon cruise on the lake with our bridal party!

2. If you've read my blog at all, you know I live in Minnesota and it's a love-hate relationship for me! I LOVE it because I grew up here, my family and best friends are here, and it's home!  But the weather can be dicey at best!!  Right now I live in our lovely capital city of St. Paul!!! I have never lived in a very big city, but I do love all of the fun places in our neighborhood. Here are some of our faves:
Patina is the cutest little shop with jewelry, accessories, home decor, etc. 

Best. Pizza. Ever. 

This little nugget of deliciousness has been on Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives!
3. We adopted our "fur baby", Kona, last summer right after we returned from our honeymoon.  We actually saw her and wanted to adopt her right before we left for Hawaii, but knew that we couldn't adopt a dog right before leaving for ten days! So, we checked the humane society's website everyday and called from the airport to put her on hold!  We drove straight from the airport to pick her up.  It also happened to be my birthday--a very lucky day!!
We didn't really do the best job with training her to stay off of the furniture! :)
4. My sister Anna is my best friend!  She had a summer job in Colorado and I visited her twice! I am so excited that she is moving back to MN this weekend.
5. I am a big Minnesota Vikings fan! I also play Fantasy 3 different leagues!! Crazy, I know! I didn't intend to play in that many, but it spiraled out of control quickly:).

6. I love the color PINK!!! Although I do not have much pink in my house anymore since Jon moved in a few years ago...hopefully when we're ready to have kiddos of our own I can decorate a pink nursery:).

7. I have only ever taught Kindergarten. When I was going to college for teaching, I cried my little eyes out when I found out my student teaching placement was in kindergarten because that was the one grade I did NOT want to teach. Obviously, the kinder kids grew on me right away and I haven't looked back since then!

8. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fountain pops. There is nothing as delicious as a McD's Coke. Seriously, it's a bad habit and I am now afraid of the dentist.
9. If I wasn't a teacher, I would love to be a graphic designer! I would have a lot to learn, though.

10. A big accomplishment for me was running the Get in Gear half marathon in 2012. Since then, I dislocated my knee/broke my leg and have not fully recovered, but it is a goal of mine to get back in the swing of things with running soon.

Thanks for visiting! I can't wait to go back to the link-up and read everyone else's posts!

1 comment:

  1. I started out in 2nd grade and when I was placed in Kindergarten, I cried as well. This is my 5th year in K and I love it.
