Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reader's Workshop Freebie

Hi Friends,
Like I mentioned in my last post, I have been at a Reader's Workshop training all week. I am really committed to teaching literacy in the Daily 5 format, but since Daily 5 is a spin-off based on Reader's Workshop, I have still picked up lots of valuable tips!

One thing that I really loved about the training is all of the new prompts I've learned to help kiddos with their reading.  To help me remember these fabulous tips while I am conferencing with students, I typed all of the prompts (some I changed up a teensy bit to fit my style better). The background is colored coded to go along with each type of problem a reader could encounter. (You'll see what I mean when you download!) I think having these ready will help me be a make more purposeful/intentional comments and really help me guide the students through their problems.

I am going to print these out and glue onto 3 by 5 note cards, hole punch and put on a metal binder ring. The link to all of the prompts is {here}. You will be directed to Google Drive. Leave me some comment love if you downloaded the freebie!


  1. Thank you for making this available. I think this will be a great tool to help me be more intentional about how I scaffold for my students when they are stumped by a challenging word.

  2. Thank you for this freebie! I'm looking forward to implementing D5 in my class for the very first time! I appreciate your help in getting started with my conferencing!
