Friday, July 19, 2013


 I had such a blast meeting up with a bunch of fun ladies at the Minnesota Nice Blogger Meetup. I have to say a HUGE thanks to Sara from Polka Dot Kinders for organizing it all! She has a bunch of other pics up on her blog. It was sooo dang hot and humid, and the AC in the restaurant didn't quite seem to be keeping up so I was way too lazy to take pics of my own!

I do have one pic of our whole group though!:
L to R: Irene from Learning With Mrs. Leeby, Kimberly Ann from Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten, LuAnn and Amber from Kindergarten Rocks, MOI, Sara from First Grade Funtastic, Sara from Polka Dot Kinders, and (in the back) Jameson from Lessons with Coffee

Stop by and follow these lovely ladies if you don't will want to soon because we are all planning something special!!!

Here are some of the cute treats and favors people brought to the meetup:

OK-Blogger rotated my photo for me and would not let me re-rotate! Grr! This is from Sara at Polka Dot Kinders- it says "Dice in Dice for Minnesota Nice, You Rock" and she gave us the dice and pop rocks! So cute!

This cute little flower dude was from LuAnn and came with the sweetest poem for welcoming back a student who has been absent. Here's a close-up of the poem:

The class takes turns making the flower give a pretend welcome back "kiss" on the student's head, arm, etc.

This past week has been such a whirlwind for me. I usually don't post any personal pics on my blog, but I wanted to show you what I've been up to!  On Friday, my husband, his siblings and their significant others and my sister all went to the Kenny Chesney/ Zac Brown Band concert outdoors at Target Field. I'm not even a huge country music fan but I do LOVE me some Zac Brown!!! It was awesome!
 Myself and my sister, Anna waiting for the concert! She drove all the way from Colorado to come to the concert on very short notice. I was SO happy to spend some time with her!
 Zac Brown!!! He sounds better live than on his albums:)
When it was time for Kenny to appear, the lights got cray cray! :)

Then, on Saturday I went to a fellow teacher's awesome wedding. I had to get home early though, because I woke up at 4am on Sunday to drive with my sister back to Colorado!!

On the way, we picked up some pretty funny shirts and took pics at Mt. Rushmore...
OH yes, we also made a pit stop at the Mitchell Corn Palace....ha!
Never been, never need to go again.... sorry Mitchell!

And FINALLY, after a terrifying late night thunderstorm/flash flood on mountain roads...we made it to CO!
 Shopping, eating out, and ice cream:)
View from hotel room!

Well if you are still with me through this very random post, thanks!!! Hope you are having a great summer, too:) Stay tuned for some fun surprises from the MN bloggers:)


  1. Yay! I'm so glad we were all able to meet!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  2. I am so glad that we were able to meet. I am so jealous that you went to Zac and Kenny. I have seen them both twice and just decided to pass this time. After, I regretted it. Zac is the best. We stopped at Mitchell Corn Palace last summer. It was a joke! LOL!
    First Grade Funtastic

  3. So much fun!!! I lived in Rapid City for a while as a kid, and have some family that live in Mitchell. It is their version of the Mall Of America. Or where they bring out of town guests. I used to have a coffee mug that had a picture of it on it and said ... "At least I am not THIS corny!" I wish I still had it, because yes, It is a bit of a joke! But my mother sold it in one of our garage sales!

    Lessons With Coffee
