Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy July!!!

I have my July Currently to share with you tonight. Before I do, I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon and remind you to follow me on Bloglovin before tomorrow when Google Friend Connect supposedly goes away.  It seems so strange that they'd do that since it's such a big part of Blogger, but just in case....all you have to do is push the Bloglovin button on the right sidebar!  I actually love it for reading my blogs!

Soo here's my July Currently. Thanks again to Farley from Oh Boy, Fourth Grade for hosting!

Listening: Zac Brown Band: LOVE and I'm not even a country music fan. I am going to his  outdoor concert with Kenny Chesney at Target Field in Minneapolis the Friday after next! SO excited!!!!

Loving: The weather is sooo gorgeous today. Perfect days like this just don't come often in Minnesota (as I've blogged about often). I spent the whole day outside at my parents house lounging on the deck and in the hot tub!!

Thinking: Okay, just got home, dinner time, no idea....looks like we're calling Jimmy John's!!

Wanting: Love the 4th of July and thankful that we get to spend it "up north" at the cabin this year with family!

Needing: A pedicure...I guess that's a pretty spoiled thing to "need" BUT  my current pedicure is from a wedding I was in. On May 13. Yucky, yuck, yuck.

Tip: I always see people asking the top TPT sellers how to do things/make things, etc on the TPT Q and A area. While I'm sure most TPT sellers are happy to help each other out, there is an easier way. Just Google your question. There are SO many great tutorials and blog posts about TPT and teacher blog techy issues. It's so much faster to Google it than waiting for someone to respond! Erica Bohrer has several great posts about TPT issues, and Ladybug's Teacher Files has some tutorials that really, really helped me out when I first started blogging. I think that Ashley Hughes has some awesome tutorials about making products, too.


  1. Oh the weather sounds so nice! Of course, I may not be able to tolerate the winters of Minnesota! Adorable blog. I'm a new follower!

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  2. Ooh...Zac Brown Band + Kenny AND it's all happening at Target Field? Fantastic!! A pedicure can be a necessary splurge :) Enjoy!
    Stories by Storie

  3. Great tip about Google! It's true there are answers to just about everything-I don't know what we did before. :) I am also very jealous of no humidity! Our summer's already pretty hot and I have a feeling it will just get worse.

