Sunday, March 31, 2013

Linky Fun!

This week, I've linked up with Latoya from Flying into First Grade for her Let's Get Acquainted Linky.  This week the theme is "favorites".

 Here it goes...

Favorite Place to Shop
Target and Old Navy! Old Navy has some cute and cheap teacher clothes. Cheap is good because Lord knows I manage to get glue, marker, etc. on myself everyday at work!

Favorite TV Show
This winter I got completely obsessed with Downton Abbey. Wasn't the Season 3 finale HEARTBREAKING!?!  Of course, I also have some guilty pleasures (Teen Mom and The Kardashians).

Favorite Sweet Treat
Okay, narrowing this one down is super hard for me because I have the biggest sweet tooth ever!  Does fountain Coke or Mt. Dew count?  Haha! If not, I love, love, love these mini turtle cheesecake treats from a local grocery store's bakery. YUM! I can't believe I found a pic of them on Google Images!

Favorite Food
Another hard one!  I have to say any breakfast/brunch foods! I love omelettes, pancakes, eggs Benedict  bacon, ETC!

Favorite Restaurant
One delicious local restaurant I love its Pizza Luce. It is only a few blocks from my home. They have something heavenly called a baked potato pizza. Yummy, yum, yum! Can you tell I really love food!?! And am supposed to be on a diet for a wedding I'm in this spring!?! ha!

That's it! This was a fun linky, so you'll have to check out Latoya's blog and join in. I will be back tomorrow with a little giveaway so stay tuned:).


  1. I found you from the linky. I picked Old Navy for my store too! I love their dresses and tops. I have a coupon for $10 off $25 and am trying to decide how to spend it. It'll be tough for sure! Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
    Teaching in the Valley

  2. My mouth is watering over those cheesecakes!!! Yum!! I love Target too. :)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  3. Love your bright and colorful blog and your name! I have never heard of Pizza Luce but that baked potato pizza sounds wonderful! Now following you!


  4. I became addicted to Downton Abbey too. Looking forward to next season. Happy to be your newest follower.

    rubberboots and elf shoes

  5. I love breakfast food as well! Eggs Benedict are always a first choice at brunch!
    Rambling About Reading
