Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tell Me Something Good

Well, my friends.  It was another long one!  A meeting before school, field trip and IEP meeting after school...during assessment week...gotta love it!

I thought this would be an appropriate time to divert my attention to something happy and positive, so I'm linking up with Rowdy in First Grade's Tell Me Something Good linky.

Something Good At Home: It's my husband's birthday on Thursday and I have a big surprise for him!  I am so excited!  I will have to fill in you later this week:).

Something Good At School:  The end is drawing near...the end of TESTING that is!  My quarter two report cards will soon be done.  I plan to spend my report card work day organizing my classroom and prepping for by student teacher.  I just went to Walmart and spent my leftover classroom budget on BINS, BINS and more BINS!!!!!! Yay! I am weirdly excited to get going on a major clean out.

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