Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holly Bloggy Xmas...A Million Years Late Plus a Winner!

Ok, so I wasn't the most motivated blogger over Christmas vacation so I am little behind on posting about the Holly Bloggy Christmas Exchange that I participated in this year at Teacher Blogger Exchange.  It was super fun!

I received Greg Smedley's name from Kindergarten that blog!
Here are some pics of the gifts that I sent off to him (hope they arrived okay:)

Check out Kindergarten Smorgasbord!

And I was lucky enough to have Shuna P. from Pocket Full of Kinders as my holly blogger!  She sent a cute goodie box filled with some calendar post-its that are perfect for organizing for the new year.  I am going to use one of them for blog post ideas.  I also got a cute travel cup with doggies all over it (obviously I mention my dog on here wayyyy too much).  And best of all, I got to choose a product from her TpT store!  I got this cute little winter pack that has three fun literacy centers.  I am in the process of prepping them for use in the next couple of weeks.  Thanks, Shuna!

Shuna's cute unit that I picked from her TpT store...go check it out!
And now...super exciting! I had a little mini baby giveaway (I didn't do a great job promoting it, so I may have another soon...keep an eye out).  Here is the winner of a $10 TpT giftcard....
Entry #2 which is Karmen from Karmen's Kinders!  Congrats! I will be contacting you!


  1. Glad you like your little goodie

    I love the gifts you sent to Greg too

  2. Thanks so much Kelly!

    Karmens Kinders

  3. Loved participating in the Teacher Blogger Exchange! Just was curious who won your giveaway for the last giveaway on TBE? I had my fingers crossed! LOL

    1. Let me look into that. I thought tbe was choosing the winner and then telling me who to contact. I will figure it out asap!
