Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Currently...and Pin It to Win It!!

It's time again for the Currently link-up by Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade.  My hubby and I love our Vikings...and I am in 3 Fantasy Football leagues...I think he's in 2. Sooo Sunday is always a football marathon at our house!  I used to just watch the Vikings but I can honestly say I have grown to like watching NFL football (most) of the time!  Today it's the big rivalry match up..Vikes vs. Pack and the Vikings are winning! Whoop Whoop!

I was happy to get all of our decorations up over Thanksgiving break and love having the Christmas lights on every night.  With no snow here in MN, it has gotten me more into the holiday spirit to have some cheery decor.

We have a short, short winter break this year but that doesn't mean I'm not counting down the days (of course I love my job, I also just happen to love having some family, friends and free time).

I have been feeling stretched a little thin money wise lately so I am definitely wanting/needing payday to roll around soon to finish up that Christmas shopping...I did get a lot done on Black Friday though.

And lastly, we had an impromptu grade level lunch on Friday and I sprang for pizza for everyone!  It was so much fun to actually sit down and chit chat with everyone, including our interventionist and kindergarten paras.  That never, ever happens!

Head over and link up with's fun to see what everyone is up to.

Lastly, if you click here to go to my last post about my new winter CVC word pack, there is still time for you to win the pack.  All you have to do is pin the cover image of the pack and comment with a link to your pin and your email. The first five people to comment win the pack automatically!  If you don't get there in time, it's on sale at TPT through Monday.  Click on the image below to check it out at TPT.


  1. We also have a short break this year. It's not even two full weeks for teachers :( But, like you, I am really looking forward to some quiet time with my family! Love your RAK idea!!

    Super Pig and Tyrant King

  2. Countdown to Christmas break is what's getting me through as well! Also, while I am a Pats fan (living in New England, after all), the Vikings will always be my second fave. Being from North Dakota originally, I will always support my Midwesterners :)

  3. Hi Kelly,
    I want to be on your team this Friday...LOL sounds so good. That is a great RAK. 3 weeks and counting...I know. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. I'm really needing payday too!

  5. hi, i posted in the previous post. about pinning your activity. oh, and break comes in 10 teaching days, not that I'm counting or anything.
