Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Blog Design, Gingerbread Fun, and SALE!

I sure hope everyone out there is enjoying their last day of Thanksgiving break!  Mine was a great one-I hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the very first time and managed to not burn down the house while cooking (I have horrible/non-existent cooking skills)...actually though, I think the meal turned out pretty well! I also got some Black Friday shopping in and had a date night with my wonderful hubby! Pretty nice and relaxing!

I also managed to sneak in time/stay up all Saturday night to finish up my Gingerbread Literacy Activities just in time for the big TpT Cyber Monday sale.

I'll be using the activities in this packet in my own classroom the week after next and will be sure to post some pics of them in action.  The packet includes three original leveled readers with accompanying activities, which I think are a big lifesaver!  I am always looking for meaningful, differentiated leveled books that fit with our weekly theme.

I am actually starting my sale TODAY and continuing it through Monday so please stop over and fill up your wish lists. Remember, you get 20% off my store on Sunday and 28% on Monday and Tuesday.  Yay!!
Here are some of my new and/or popular products: Click on them to check them out on TpT.

Lastly, you may have noticed something a bit different around blog has been totally updated to a beautiful new custom design by Christi Fultz...scroll to the bottom of the blog to click on her link to see more of her amazing designs.  She was a breeze to work with and I love the end result!  My old design was getting tired, and too many bloggers had the same exact one!


  1. I love your new blog design! It's so bright and fun!
    The Hive

  2. Love your pretty new look!
    I have nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check my blog for the details!

    Let's follow and support each other on our blogging journey!

