Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kindergarten Bear Unit!

Sooo...this post was supposed to be about Daily 5 and the Work on Writing component.  However, my phone decided to die in the middle of downloading the pictures to with the post...liiike go crazy haywire and turn black forever never going to work again.  So needless to say, there are no work on writing pictures to share tonight!

I did manage, however, to download some pictures of my kiddos having fun with our Bear Unit!  I was lucky enough to win a whole slue of bear units last spring in a giveaway.  The pictures feature activities from Rachelle Smith's Bear Unit which is available on TpT.  I would highly recommend it, as it has a ton of engaging activities for your students.  

Here is what we have been up to...
We watched the story Bear Snores On on Bookflix during Daily 5-Listen to Reading and did a story sequence sheet with it.
Here's the link to Bookflix.
We played the "Bears Unit a Cave" missing addend game from Rachelle's bear unit. Students played in partners and took turns guessing how many bears were in the "den" (cup).  It was tricky but fun!

For snack, we sample bear foods!  Raspberries, salmon, and honey with crackers were all on the menu for my little cubs. I used the Chicken of the Sea packaged salmon.  Warning: this smells up your classroom:).

Yum! Bears in this neck of the woods eat good!

We graphed our favorite bear foods using the graphics and title from Rachelle's Bear Unit.  
Looks likes raspberries won!!

We analyzed our graph and wrote down the results.  We did this as a whole class on clipboards since this is a somewhat new concept to our class and the recording sheet was a little complex for early kindergarteners.  They did great though!

I have some bear unit freebies available at my TpT store from last year. Click the graphic below to go scoop them up. Hope you can use some of them in your own classroom.

Doesn't it feel like tomorrow should be Friday?!?! We've had a bunch of short weeks in a row and I'm not used to this 5 day business! Oh least we are getting a ton of work done and I feel like I'm finally making some progress with my low babies...thank gooodness! Hope to have some pictures of my kiddos doing Work on Writing recovered and posted tomorrow. Goodnight to all!


  1. I love how you tied the math in.. great for vocabulary of hibernation! =)

    Jennifer @ Simply Kinder =)

  2. Ahhhh!!! I'm so glad you like my unit!!! I love that you used salmon instead of tuna! Did they like it?

  3. Hi Rachelle, Surprisingly most of the kiddos did like the salmon, although it made our room smell a little "fishy" to say the least. :) Thanks again for the fun unit!
