Monday, November 5, 2012

100+ TpT Follower Giveaway

Yay! I am so excited to have over 100 followers at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  It took me awhile to get there, but I am very thankful for each and every follow that I get!  Teachers Pay Teachers has made such a big difference in my life.  With my little bit of extra income, I was able to pay for some pieces of my wedding, plan a visit to see my husband's mom, and take my sister to a Vikings football game!  These are all things that I never could have afforded without the extra income that TpT has given me.  Plus, of course, pick up some super fun TpT units, ebooks, and other fun items for my classroom.

To celebrate this fun milestone, I am using Rafflecopter for the first time (hope it works) for a giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am giving away a $10.00 Target gift card for the first place winner, and my Gobble, Gobble sight word games for second place.  Click the link above to see three ways to enter!  Good luck to everyone!


  1. I love the turkey game so cute my son would love it!

  2. Hi Kelly,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm glad to have found a new blog to follow.
    I am dog crazy and your pup looks adorable!
    I would love to win your second prize! Please regenerate if my name comes up for the Target Gift Card (highly unlikely!!), as we don't have Target here!
    Congrats on your followers!
    Wendy :)
    Teacher's Toolkit

    PS The link to follow your TpT store isn't working for me, but I used your button to get there!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about your giveaway! I'm your newest follower!!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  4. Crossing my fingers!!! Hope I win

    Cheers To School

  5. So glad you found me through the Currently! I'm "currently" eating ice cream while I shiver at 55 degrees. Subzero wind chills would KILL me! =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 
