Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Goodbye Kindergarten! Summer Bridging Activities

My fellow kindergarten teachers,

 Don't you just HATE that sinking feeling at the end of the year when you've worked SO hard to get your students ready for first grade and you know that at least some of your kiddos will lose a good portion of their knowledge over the summer?  I know I do, and I try to provide families with some learning tools to stop summer learning loss.  I give each student a sandbox pail and shovel combo (85 cents each with your teacher discount at Michael's) and stuff them full of flashcards, paper books, packets, and other goodies.  The pails are also a great place to stick old name tags, extra pencils and crayons, and anything other last minute things you want to send home with kiddos. Pictures will follow later this week when we get our summer pail activities started!

 I just finished up a new TpT product called Goodbye Kindergarten, I'll Never Forget You.  It's 55 pages of writing, reading, and math flashcards and activities to help your students retain the precious knowledge you've given them over the school year.  I hope you find it useful!!!


  1. Your product could not have come at a better time! Last night I was looking for summer learning packs on TPT, and I found your pack tonight as I was blog hopping. Can't wait to see the full product! :) I also can't believe I'm the first to comment. This never happens. lol Happy summer break! :)


  2. Hi Meredith,
    The full product is available at TpT and actually on sale right now. Hope you'll go over and check it out:) Kelly
