Monday, April 16, 2012

Weather Unit Wrap Up with a Freebie!

We finished up our week-long weather theme on Friday. On Thursday, we learned about rain and storms. I briefly tried to explain the water cycle, but we probably needed another day or two to really have a good understanding of that process. We made a stormy cloud project, which the kids loved-they get obsessed with thunder, lightning and tornadoes, especially now at the start of our tornado season in MN.

On the storm cloud, we sequenced the events of a rainstorm. Students illustrated each event. Click below to get your own sequencing sheet for students to illustrate. The lightning bolts are just yellow strips of construction paper and the rain is blue tissue paper.

I only have one wall in my classroom- so I use some cupboards to hang art!

Friday was a rainbow day for us! We did a couple of rainbow projects and watch a Magic School Bus movie about rainbows. The kids really find them fascinating.

Pictured above is one of the rainbow projects the students completed on Friday. We just finger painted each color of the rainbow--this one is from a previous year, but this year I remember to mix up some indigo!

All of my weather idea projects plus more, along with classroom posters, emergent readers, writing prompt sheets, vocabulary cards, and a memory match game will be available in my April Shower weather unit on TpT by the end of the week.


  1. What cute little rain clouds! :)


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