Wednesday, April 11, 2012

But wait there's more!....More Weather Unit Fun!!!

Today we had more fun with our weather unit! The topic of the day was clouds. I read two informational texts about clouds and two fiction books for fun... Little Cloud by Eric Carle and It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw.

After we read Little Cloud we used shaving cream on tables to draw the cloud pictures from the story...a fun way to recall the events and sequence of the story! Here are some of the fun pictures my kiddos made...
Little cloud looks like a sheep.

An airplane!Little cloud looks like a shark!

Every year I have to do the classic white paint project that goes with It Looked Like Spilt Milk. We used bright blue construction paper, put a blob or two or three of white paint in the middle, folded the paper in half, pressed down to spread out the paint and got a spilt milk picture! The children were very creative with what their paint blobs looked like, but I have to say--this was the MESSIEST group I've ever done this project with. White paint was everywhere-including on our Lakeshore rug and on my jean jacket! Luckily, all stains were taken care of by some water and a shout wipe:)

Here are some pictures of the paint blob project in progress. We haven't assembled them into a class book yet, but I will post pics when we do:)
"Sometimes it looked like a sleeping deer..."

"Sometimes it looked like a bat. But it wasn't a bat!"

Be back tomorrow with a STORMY project. Tomorrow I also have my first wedding shower thrown by my lovely kindergarten teammates! It is a combo shower for both me and my co-worker who is expecting a little one. The best part is that it's a happy hour that's my kind of party! Looking forward to wedding presents and a margarita:)


  1. I had my first shower this week too. It was given by my future sister in law and my fiance's grandmother. It was a lot of fun. I was worried I would be a little embarrassed because it was a personal shower and my fiance's grandmother was asking my bra and panty sizes. I hope you have a fabulous shower.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  2. I love the idea of doing clouds in shaving cream! You have a really cute blog...happy to start following you :)
