Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Currently and Have you entered my TARGET give away yet????

Happy April! First of all, have you had a chance to enter my give away for your chance to win a $20 Target gift card?? Click below to be taken to my give away post. It ends Friday, so hurry and enter!

And the beginning of April also means it's time for Farley's April Currently link-up! Here's mine....
More and more I am finding that I need some extra hours in the day, so as a super hero, I would add some extra time whenever I needed it! Between the end of the quarter assessments and report cards, marathon training, and trying to get some stuff done for our wedding, I am feeling stressed.

Plus, I am not tenured yet and waiting to find out my fate for next year. Our district has to do some major budget cuts, so keep your fingers crossed that there will be a classroom home for me next school year!!! I should be finding out more sometime mid-week. I would like to enjoy my wedding and honeymoon this summer without having to stress about the whole job hunt/interview process, so I'm hoping for a miracle!
Who else has had to deal with lots of budget cuts and job/position uncertainty??

Don't forget to enter my give away! Have a great week!


  1. I will be thinking and praying for you and your job. This is my tenure year and thankfully everything looks good for next year. Hopefully there won't be any surprises!
    Daisy Days for Learning

  2. Hope the budget swings in your favor~ i feel like I am on a reality show, because I am "safe" this year:)

    Going Nutty!

  3. I'll be thinking of you! The same thing happened to me my first year. No first year teachers got contracts and I wasn't sure what would happen. Luckily for me I taught in a, how can I put this kindly, a not so desireable school so I found out a couple of weeks before my wedding that I had a job at my school! I hope the same happens for you :)

    Living A Wonderful Life

  4. I wish I could add extra hours in a day too - that would be a great super power! And fingers are crossed for you. I'm in the same boat :(

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  5. I feel for you with the budget cuts. My fourth year I was set to be RIF-ed if the town didn't pass a referendum. Luckily it did. I became tenured this year and what does my lovely state do? As of 2014, there is no more tenure :(

    I will keep you in my thoughts!!
    Kindergarten Hoppenings

  6. Praying for you and for God to put you where He needs you!

    I wish I had the super power to make reports cards finish without my help and for my house to clean itself! =)

    Congratulations on reaching 100+...that is awesome!

    Heather's Heart
