Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Peace Table

Hi Friends,

Today I wanted to share one of my favorite classroom areas-my peace table! The peace table is where students go to resolve minor conflicts peers.

At the beginning of the year we discuss "warm fuzzies" and "cold pricklies" and read some books about getting along, sharing, etc. We talk about getting older and taking care of some of our own problems. Then, I model how to use the peace table if they ever do have a disagreement with a friend.

Here's how it works:
If a student asks another to go to the peace table, the other student must oblige and go. No exceptions! Students go to the table, and take turns talking and listening. The student tells their friend why they brought them to the table. The friend responds and apologies are exchanged as necessary. The students decide on a "friendship fix-it" to conclude the process. I have a pocket chart hanging by the table of 3 friendship fix-its for the kids to choose from: shake hands, give a high-five, and give a hug. In the past, I have also used "get your friend a tissue", "play together on the playground, "sit together at lunch" and "draw your friend a nice picture". Sometimes that is too many options for kinders though!

I do teach students to tell me if anything serious happens to them, or if someone is bothering them repeatedly.

Hope that this idea helps any of you that are struggling with the tattling that comes with teaching kindergarten!

Your Turn: What do you use for conflict resolution and/or character education?


  1. Hi Kelly! I love your blog- I am also a new kindergarten blogger :) I recently posted about my classroom library adventure and I downloaded some great book bin labels from TPT. You can see where I got them from on my blog.

    Come visit me, I'm your newest follower!

    Sarah :)

  2. What a great idea! I'm now following your blog!!


    The Daily Alphabet
