Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thank You Giveaway! Plus 100th Day

Yay! I am so excited to have 15 followers and more than 750 page views in my first few days of blogging. Thanks to everyone who has visited and commented so far. This blogging world is so full of positive energy and support! Awesome!

To celebrate, I am giving away a full alphabet set of Rainbow Writing Pages to you friends, if you are willing to help me out! Here is what you can do to receive the prize:

1. Post a link to this giveaway on your blog.
2. Pin something from my blog onto one of your Pinterest boards.
3. Leave me a comment with your email and the link to your pin or your post.

EVERYONE who does either one of the listed things will get a set of these fun sheets, as long as I have your email and the link. Oh, and the contest closes 1 week from today on Sunday, February 5th at 11:59 P.M., so hurry up and get in on the action:)

Here is a preview:

Also, I wanted to share what my kinder kiddos will be up to on the 100th day of school, which for us is not until Feb. 15 (okay, it's really Feb. 13th but we have a professional development thingy that day, and I'm not going to leave all of that fun stuff to a sub)!!! And for those of you who don't live in Minnesota, YES we do have to stay in school wayyyy into summer. June 8th I believe. YUCK! But, we don't start until after Labor Day.

The kiddos will come in wearing their 100 crowns that I'm sending home for them to decorate with 100 stickers or something similar.
This is a pic of my 100th day crown from last year. It just needs to be mounted on a sentence strip and ta-da! Instant crown!

My students will be tracing or writing their numbers (depending on ability) 1 to 100 for morning work.

We will be using Crayola stamper markers to make collections of 100...I have a cute sheet for this and will post it ASAP... it's not on my computer.

We will be doing the good old "What would you buy with 100?" writing sheet (I've seen it posted everywhere, so won't bother putting up my own).

Of course, we have to make 100th day trail mix (each student picks 10 of 10 kinds of snack and puts it in a baggy).

Annnd we will make these adorable "100 Year Old" people! This idea is similar to others I've seen around on blogs, but I use cotton balls for the hair instead of paper. The kids lovvvve stretching the cotton to form strands of hair.

I think that's it. Sigh! Time to fill in the plan book and get prepping for next week!

Hope you all have a marvelous MONDAY:) :) Can't wait to hear from you about my give-away!


  1. of course I'll come say hello!
    and follow too!
    Hi new friend!

  2. Hi there! Saw your post on Pinterest about the giveaway. I've pinned it to my board labeled "Learning":

    My email is

    Thank you! Can't wait to start using them!

  3. Thanks Tiffany! I will send them out after the giveaway ends on Sunday:)


  4. Hi Kelly, I am Ana from
    I am officially your follower and pin the rainbow worksheets under my "writing board".
    Have a great day!

  5. Hi Kelly,
    I saw your post on pinterest. I pinned your rainbow writing on my "school" pinboard.

    Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper

  6. Hi Kelly,
    I blogged about your giveaway on my tiny blog!


  7. I love the 100 year old pictures that kids do on the 100th day of school. The cotton is a nice touch. :) I am your newest follower.
    Conversations in Literacy

  8. Hi, I'm starting a pinterest and will gladly pin you.

  9. Thanks Kelly for sharing your Rainbow Writing Pages. I pinned the sample page to my Writing Board. Best of luck on your new blog. Looks great to me!

  10. Hi Kelly! Just pinned your writing sheets to my Pinterest board..Printables.

    I'm your newest follower!


  11. Really cute stuff on your blog, nice job. I pinned the rainbow writing on Pinterest.
    My email is
