Saturday, January 28, 2012

Organization Idea

Hi New Blogging Friends,

I don't know about some of you, but I'm getting a bit restless/bored with the layout of my room. It may be time for a little refresher. I have been SO good about not going into school on the weekends this year, but I think it might be time (I used to have a small problemo with compulsively going into my classroom every Sunday morning/afternoon).

What about you friends? How do you manage to get everything done during the week? Go in early, stay late or do some of you go in on the weekends like I used to? Leave me a comment!

Anyway, if you are feeling restless like me and want an organizational change, here is an idea that I've used in the past. Rods and cups from IKEA kitchen department. Lord knows I'm not the most organized of teachers, but this REALLY works excellently for table supplies-crayons, markers, glue sticks, scissors, pencils--you name it. I had a very, very, very tiny classroom at my previous school and this system worked well because I had absolutely no table, shelf or counter space.
I will update tomorrow with some ideas for the 100th day of school (even though it may have passed for you already).



  1. I bought those too last summer! Love them!

  2. Love the I just have to get to Atlanta and go tot Ikea!! =)
    (new follower)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. *Big Waves** Hello Kelly!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, i love this idea!!!! looks fantastic!!

    I am your newest follower (:


  4. Super cute idea... Im now following your blog!
    Also, I loved your 100th day ideas... Im from Illinois so I know all about school lasting well into June! Right there with ya girl!
    Have a great day!
    Miss S
    Just Teaching...Kindergarten

  5. I was just looking for organizational ideas for next year and saw this idea Pinterest. It's fun to see your ideas getting out there. Also, I would go to my 'old school' on Sunday mornings AND stay late on week nights. Just thought that I would say.
    Rachel G
